BACKSPACE Productions Inc.

EnterKey #1: Jonathan Dahan / Jordi Puig

May 05, 2015

元NYCメトロポリタン美術館テクニシャン・School for Poetic Computation第一期生のJedahan, Lummoファウンダーとして世界のニューメディアアート最前線で活躍するJordiを招いた会。両名ともopenFrameworksの世界でアクティブに動いている人達で、自身の活動についてだけでなくNYCやバルセロナの様子を話してくれました。

EnterKey #1: Jonathan Dahan / Jordi Puig

2015/5/20 Wed. 9pm - 11pm
at Bar Kingyo
東京都渋谷区恵比寿1-5-8 初鹿野ビル B1F
Presentations by two guests (30 min * 2) + drink!
Entrance free (+ 1 drink order)

Jonathan Dahan @jedahan

Hi my name is Jonathan, and I hack on lots of art and sound and physical stuff. I’m living in Brooklyn, but visiting Japan for most of the summer.

I like to connect random inputs and outputs to see what people will do with them. I often take virtual streams and provide them physical facilities to exaggerate their impact on our lives. I am equally happy coding in C, C++, Rust, Javascript, Coffeescript, Python, Piet, Basic, Hypercard, and Bash. I painted a simple echo program and could very easily see myself holed up for the winter just with canvas and wine.

Some communities I’m a part of and love include the school for poetic computation, hacker school (now recurse center), arthackday, the medialab at the met, and itp camp. If you are interested in chatting about any of these, please reach out!

Jordi Puig @wasawi

Jordi Puig is from Barcelona and currently based in Norway. He is interested in the intersection between arts and technology. He studied Electronic Art at ESDI and he focused on interactive installations. He became a instructor on that field in the same university for three years. In 2005 he co-established Cuatic a creative advertising company specialized in the development of physical interaction. He acted as a director of new media technologies for two years. In 2009 co-founded Lummo, a small studio developing new media architecture, interactive installations and active spaces.

He won several advertising prizes in different festivals, some of them are El Sol Festival, New York Festival, Laus and Europrix. He also has a career in the artistic scene, exhibiting in many countries around the world, most of the times for media arts organizations like FILE, MedialabPrado, Sonar, Baltan Laboratories, Piksel, Le Fresnoy, Glow or STRP.

He worked in Ars Electronica Futurelab as a creative engineer. Also worked as a sound programmer for electroacustic concerts and theater pieces. He is currently a PhD candidate in NTNU, Norway at Q2S within the project Picturing The Brain. In 2013 he has visited the University of Tokyo at the Ishikawa Oku Laboratory as special research student.